SeniorSurf – in English
Strenghtening the digital participation of senior citizens
SeniorSurf is part of the Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older Adults. The aim of the activity is to strengthen the digital inclusion of senior citizens by supporting organisations to coordinate and develop peer-to-peer digital support and encouraging seniors to learn digital skills and to find support. SeniorSurf receives substantial funding from the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA). Currently SeniorSurf has also two important business partners, DNA, who supports and promotes the work on the digital inclusion of the elderly.
See the poster presented by SeniorSurf in the Nordic Congress of Gerontology in June 2024
Strengthening seniors’ digital inclusion with peer-to-peer guidance – media skills as an essential part of the necessary digital skill set
Digital services are increasing and this creates new challenges for everyday life for especially those who are not familiar to digital devices and using internet. There are more than 1,2 million people aged 65 years or more in Finland. More than 20% of them have never used information technology and 30% haven’t used internet in months.
Learning doesn’t stop when you get older, although it might be slower. We encourage seniors and those who are giving digital support, finding aspects that bring joy and motivation in the digitalized world: ways of communication, possibility to find information or taking care of your everyday tasks, such as banking, healthcare etc.
This is what we do
SeniorSurf provides material for organisations, volunteers and seniors and arranges workshops for starting digital guidance. The SeniorSurf network for organisations meets 4-6 times a year to develop and sharing knowledge about elderly people and digital guidance. SurfAreena is the network for volunteer tutors for peer support and increasing competence.
SeniorSurf improves the position of elderly people in a digitizing society by influencing decision makers and service providers. The aim is that the needs of the elderly as users of digital services are taken into account in decision-making and when developing services.
You can also find the symbol for digital support from our webpage. The symbol can be used in various ways to communicate about the support and guidance for using digital devices and services to the customers.
Together we can make a strong network!
Material for organizations who coordinate digital guidance and volunteer activities
These materials have been produced by SeniorSurf and translated in English in August 2023. Hope you’ll find them useful!
- Initiating digital guidance
- Digital tutor’s recruitment and induction
- Improve your digital guidance activities. Guidelines for assessment and development.
- How to encourage your customers?
Cartoons telling about attitudes
These cartoons tell about the attitudes that can stand in the way of learning. You can download and use it for free. Please mention the source. (CC BY)
Contact information
Tiina Etelämäki
Chief Specialist of SeniorSurf
The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older Adults (VTKL)
Tel. +358 50 343 5955
Facebook: @seniorsurf.suomi
Twitter: @SeniorSurfSuomi